Founders Series #2: “Back to the future”
By Jiao Dong
12 February 2024

Welcome to the second post of our Founder’s Series! You can find our first post in where we wrote about our early exploration of “AI Town”, what works, what doesn’t work from hands on experiments from March to May, 2023, prototype v1 and v2. These are valuable corner stones that sets the path to where we’re right now, despite being very early.

In this blog post, you will see:

This blog is a continuation of the series that covers our exploration from June to Oct, 2023, prototype v3 and v4.

Please keep in mind that our latest version of mobile product looks completely different from what I wrote in this post post, as this version mainly focuses on exploring and pushing the limitations of AI Agents, despite they use exactly the same backend multi-agent framework we built in-house.

Quick recap from prototype v1, v2

In our early explorations, we found that there’re indeed sparkles of fun that could happen, but at extremely low probability that’s infeasible for a user facing product. Also, consistency and controllability are key issues that needs to be addressed.

Another key observation is people love to feel in control and influence over an experience, and in the most time, pure simulations does not provide that, despite carefully designed simulation can help as an effective mechanism of progression where user is not paying attention.

Design principles of v3 & v4

Among the four key verbs of user action: Play, Create, Watch and Share — this version heavily focuses on “Play” while previous ones focus more on “Watch”. Essentially we hand over the steering wheel to the user as the center of this experience, to a degree that I will refer to the user as “Player” for this version.

We built it with a stronger structure and goal setting, which are essential as we learned from simulation AI Town. It even has three main stages: phone unlock (casual puzzle), convince the saloon owner (LLM chat, action and reasoning) and finale (storytelling). Each stage has an objective for the player with varying depth and difficulty.

As part of our core vision, we continued on the path of autonomous and collaborative multi-agents. In addition to the AI Town version, players are able to directly talk to the agents and influence their behaviors with real-time response.

It’s a pure vertical experience to push the limit of AI Agents, essentially “build things in the none scalable way”, a luxury for small teams :)

What’s different in v4

Strong and rigid “structure” of the experience. As our v1 and v2 mentioned, all good experiences need thoughtful UX design, specially AI native ones that seems to always offer “infinity” right off the bat. In this version, we acknowledged the importance of agent controllability in order to make meaningful progress, thus introduced a “Dungeon Master” agent in the backstage. It oversees entire game state, dynamically change and dispatch objective to all agents as if the director of a show, or “master” node of a cluster in distributed computing.

DM Agent (DM Agent that dynamically dispatches objectives and tasks)

Complete different tech stack, on purpose. In order to maximize learning from this attempt, we deliberately changed EVERYTHING full stack:

Frontend: Three.js → Unity

Backend: Built in-house multi-agent framework from scratch

LLM: In-house serving → OpenAI endpoint

Added “Action” and “Decision Making” dimension of the agent. That’s the meat of agent we believe in — we want to give agents “arms and legs” so they can do stuff with you. This is where emergent behavior and fun happens. You can see we’ve been very skeptical about chatbot as the primary format of media & entertainment, and all attempts are pushing its boundary to seek “what’s next”.

Demo Videos

(Prototype v3)

This is a silly early version of it. Agents are primarily just … ranting but still able to make progress under some loose constraints. It’s an important milestone however, since that’s the first time that we 1) observed multi-agent engagement with persona 2) user is able to broadcast messages to all other agent’s memory 3) enabled real-time text to speech, which turn out to make a big difference be immersive — you might not think like Elon, but you can certainly sound like him!

(Prototype v4, Act 1, casual puzzle)

In this scene, player is paired with her “inner voice” to guide her to unlock her cellphone, then she can make a phone call to bring in an agent of her choice for Act II.

(Prototype v4, Act 2, controllable multi-agent)

In this scene, player needs to work with the called in agent, navigate the situation by having conversation with saloon owner and bartender, examine objects in the saloon, and ultimately — sneak into the backroom by convincing the saloon owner, Bella, to move away from her current position. (Eastern egg: The bartender, started as female under name Rica, is actually Rick from “Rick and Morty” who got stuck time traveling to 1860s. Correctly identifying his true identity changes the ending.)

This is where all the meat is. Sooooo many things are happening behind this scene, to a degree that we got to admit we likely even went too far at the cost of generalization, but all the signals we got are worth the effort. Not to mention battle testing and building our multi-agent framework with a real and complicated use case.

(polished trailer with less meat in it)

This is a TL;DR for common audience who might not care as much about the technical stuff underneath :)

Highlights and lowlights from real user feedbacks

We got ~500 test users in two weeks by just putting it out there without advertising. Plus a few in-depth zoom user interviews.



These points touched on the art of experience design, managing expectation and dance within known & unknown limits of LLM.

Recap and key takeaways that leads to our alpha product

People are not as creative as we think, and will have trouble setting expectations right, or be well calibrated to evaluate AI responses. So we need to make things extremely simple and intuitive, to lower the cognitive burden on end users.

Stories are about people, not puzzles, or things. It took us a while to nail the punchline as “AI Interactive Story” for a reason. For people who are a bit more familiar with novels, characters are the core pillar of stories, but stories are not about puzzle or objects, which are presented too heavily in this prototype.

Extremely simple things can scale way better, as demonstrated earlier on narrow waist, objective setting and current LLM’s ability boundary to reason with given context.

With these learnings, we’re well equipped to iterate on the next version, which is mobile first. Mobile app by design has to be much simpler in format, with short session time such that it can be done on Lyft ride.

What’s next

In the next post, I will write about our alpha mobile product, following similar structure of our blog post series so far — design principle, highlights & lowlights and key take aways. Spoiler alert — this is still not our formal product yet, but it’s getting really close. The best one is always the next one :)

Again, please join our Discord to influence our roadmap and follow our threads to keep up with latest changes!